“Sometimes the only way is jumping…I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I have my own flat in Paris...what?!

Today we got to meet our host families...and let me tell you!!

I just want to start out and tell you that Kayla and I have our own flat in Paris! Like literally our own flat by ourselves! Ahh!!! How cool is that?

Our host family is the Beauville famille consisting of Monsieur Beauville who is a financial agent in an American company, Madame Beauville, who is just so cute and so nice and tres francais! They have four children: a twenty-one year old daughter who we haven't met yet named Matille, an eighteen year old son named Nicholas, a sixteen year old daughter named Solenne, and a twelve year old son named Henri. Henri is such a teaser and makes fun of us and our french constantly! "Il se moque de moi constamment!" But I love it!

So here's the deal with our own flat: our family lives in an apartment complex and they live on the second floor, and then they have a third floor apartment that doesn't even connect that Kayla and I have all to ourselves with three bedrooms, a bathroom and kitchen included!!! WHOA!!! So freakin' awesome, right?

The entrance when your first walk in...

My bedroom...with french doors that open up to a balcony even!!

The view from my balcony...in the other direction is the metro station I will take to school everyday!

Just the kitchen...ha!

I don't even know what to say right now except that you should all be jealous! Madame took us around "la ville" by our house to give us a tour and there are so many little markets you can buy fruits and veggies at twice a week, and a huge grocery store with an escalator thing, and patiserries and boulangeries and a library...all within five minutes! Ah! It's just so great!

And I'm proud to say I can hold a decent conversation and not be corrected too much. I felt like a real french person...it was great! Although Im sure Madame speaks slower with us because when her kids speak and when she speaks to them...man is it fast!!


  1. Your OWN flat?! seriously? that is so amazing. lucky girl:) Can't wait to see it when I come! and i'm so sad skype didn't work when we were trying to talk. i really wanted to hear about paris:( oh well sometime soon. have so much fun!

  2. So fun! Keep up the posts, it's cool to hear read about your adventures!

  3. I'm sufficiently jealous. Live it up, Madsicles!

  4. I hope you know that I plan on living though you the next while or so! I LOVE your updates! So cool Maddi! :D
