“Sometimes the only way is jumping…I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

everyday i'm shufflin'...

So for those of you who are unfortunate enough NOT to know what this is...I introduce you to the world's greatest dance move: the shuffle. The song is pretty dang awesome also. Yeah, it's pretty dumb, but it gets in your bones and you just gotta dance!

limited time? go to 3:40 and start watching....AWESOME!

It's pretty much the theme song here in Paris because everyone sings it and then once someone starts singing it, we all have to shuffle to it...doesn't matter if we're in front of the Eiffel Tower, or in the metro station, or walking on the cobble stone. Everywhere, everyday! It probably doesn't help that I also start my mornings off with this song. It gets stuck in my head. :)

So anyway, the shuffle. It looks quite simple, but really...it's quite difficult. But after you learn...you will look freakin' SAWEET! So I have found a tutorial for all of you and I urge you to learn it right now. It is really for your own good! haha
BUT if you don't have time, simply watch the music video and THEN you will make time. Promise.

P.S. Sorry for the little bit of inappropriateness in the tutorial :)

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