“Sometimes the only way is jumping…I hope you’re not afraid of heights.”

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day and I have the best stinkin' mom anyone could ever ask for! If I could grow up and be half the mom and half the person she is, I would most definitely be satisfied with my life because she is an incredible person. She is just always so cheerful and fun to be around. I can talk to her about whatever the heck I want and she listens to all of it...even when I'm being grumpy and complaining about who knows what!! HA!

She is so encouraging and supportive of everyone, and I love her words of affirmation she constantly gives out. She is a good example of a great mother who sacrifices, puts herself last, and takes care of her family--all with a smile on her face! Her testimony strengthens mine, and the only thing I can say to her is thank you! You are an inspiration to me and lots of others, and I hope you never forget that. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!! I love you! xoxo

But wait! That's not all...in a few months I will have a new mother in law and I just can't wait! While I don't know Terry incredibly well yet, I can already say that I love her! She has been so warm and welcoming to me and it means a lot because family is super important to me and I know that we will have many years together ahead of us. Terry, I know you're a stupendous mother because Alex always speaks so highly of you. Thank you for raising an incredible son--you saved me a lot of work!! haha just kidding! ;) Happy Mother's Day, Terry! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks daughter! I love you! I wish we could be together on this Mother's Day.
